Abhigyan's Image. He is the real thunderdome!


Let's Connect and Geek Out

Software Engineer | Java | Python | WebDev (MERN Stack) | Twilio Field Operator | #100Devs |


Nov 27

Built a cross-platform desktop app with Electron.js today. It's a Naruto-themed Pomodoro Timer with Studio Ghibli Music. Version 1.0 was released for Windows and Linux. Check it out at: https://github.com/ABHIGYAN-MOHANTA/Focus-Jutsu-Desktop-App #100DaysOfCode #365DaysOfCode

Nov 15

An Awesome Blog on Concurrency vs Parallelism https://nathanmlong.com/2017/06/concurrency-vs-paralellism/

Nov 6

Getting started with an Elixir OTP Speedrun today. Expect to finish it by today.

Oct 30

Was away for a bit! Back now! It has been an awesome break. I have started working as an intern at a fully remote company, learning Elixir OTP and Phoenix Live View. Also, started with AI/ML with Andrew Ng! Also, worked a bit on my app! Check it out! https://buff.ly/49g0KbY

Aug 30

Refined my build space app, and added some features. Improved UI of the TimeBox app! Hopefully, will be able to release to play store soon! Also, just for fun, made Conway's Game of Life! #100DaysOfCode #365DaysOfCode